Retain your community
Retain your community
Retain your community
Retain your community
Retain your community
Retain your community

Retain your community

Create experiences that keep players coming back to your game and drive sustainable, long-term growth.

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App campaigns for engagement

Help players rediscover your game

Google Ads

Reconnect with the players who have installed your game by showing them relevant ads across Google Search, Display, YouTube and more. 

Whether they’ve downloaded your game but never used it, stopped playing, or haven’t made a purchase, App campaigns for engagement helps remind customers to return to your app and take the actions that matter to you.

App performance reporting

Measure your game's acquisition and retention metrics

Google Play

Once you’ve published a game on Google play, make sure to review metrics on how players find and engage with your game's store listing.

If your game offers in-game products and/or subscriptions, you can view your game’s average revenue per player. You can also look at your overall performance converting players to buyers and repeat buyers by acquisition channel or country.

You can view reports about monetization and conversion rate, to performance by acquisition channel and country. These will provide you with insights about how players find your game’s Play Store listing and how they’re using your game once it’s installed.

Rewarded ads

Increase ad revenue and player retention with player-first ads


Give your players the choice to watch an ad in exchange for in-app rewards. Users can play games, take surveys, or watch videos to earn in-app rewards, such as coins, extra lives, or points.

Increase ad revenue, player retention, and even boost your in-app purchases with rewarded ads. Players will receive the reward for interacting with the ad without needing to install anything.

Strike the right balance between monetization and user experience with rewarded ads, one of the most popular ad formats in the game industry.

Smart Segmentation

Unlock new revenue by monetizing players who are unlikely to spend in your game


Maximize the total revenue and the lifetime value of your game by monetizing the majority of your players who aren’t spending.

Automatically segment players into predicted spenders and non-spenders. Then, only show ads to the non-spenders. Purchasing players will see no ads and can continue playing.

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