2022 PC & Console Insights Report
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The best game experiences emerge from insight-based innovations. As the world of PC & console games continues to evolve, accessing the right insights can help industry partners grow their business and delight users with top-of-the-line experiences. The 2022 PC & Console Insights Report is the second in a series of four to help game developers figure out where to go next.
The global view
In this report, the global view includes countries within Asia-Pacific (APAC), Europe, Middle East, and North America, as well as South Africa, Mexico, and Brazil.
Today's PC & console players are finding their next games through YouTube videos and social media, looking for diverse characters, seeking out games with competitive play. Their interest in diversity runs deep – around 70% emphasize the importance of diverse characters and storylines. They're eager to play new games as soon as possible and want access to in-game exclusives — more than half of global PC & console players also indicated having pre-ordered a game.
Ensure your game reaches its full potential by diving into insights that will help you…
Design your gameLaunch your gameGrow your businessRetain your community01
Design your gamePowerful game design is built on a foundation of insights. To scale up and grow your PC & console games business, a strong – yet flexible – foundation is key. A deep understanding of player behavior and priorities can help set your game up for success.
Player behavior
Around the world, PC & console players are turning to games when they need to relax, when they’re feeling bored, or when they have a spare moment. 84% of players also tend to switch between two or more games at once.
Why do PC & console players start playing games?
Why do PC & console players start playing games?
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=14,356 global respondents 18+ that primarily play games on their PC or console
How many different games are PC & console players usually playing at any given time?
How many different games are PC & console players usually playing at any given time?
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=14,356 global respondents 18+ that primarily play games on their PC or console
Over half of PC & console players surveyed believe it’s very or extremely important that the games they play are localized to their country or region. This sentiment is driven largely by those in Brazil and APAC.
How important is it to PC & console players that a game's content is localized to their country or region?
How important is it to PC & console players that a game's content is localized to their country or region?
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=14,356 global respondents 18+ that primarily play games on their PC or console
Upcoming game features
PC & console players are hoping to find games with more character diversity, or more options to create their own unique characters. They’re also interested in games that integrate new technologies, as well as diverse gameplay and games that recognize competitive play.
What features are PC & console players interested in engaging with in new games?
What features are PC & console players interested in engaging with in new games?
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=14,356 global respondents 18+ that primarily play games on their PC or console
Diversity, equity, and inclusion
Over 70% of PC & console players say that it’s very or extremely important that games feature diverse characters and stories and 56% of them underscore the importance of accessibility options.
How important is it to PC & console players that games feature any of the following?
How important is it to PC & console players that games feature any of the following?
All of the values in the below chart are listed in %.
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=14,356 global respondents 18+ that primarily play games on their PC or console
How important is it to PC & console players that the games they play have accessibility options?
How important is it to PC & console players that the games they play have accessibility options?
All of the values in the below chart are listed in %.
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, global respondents 18+ that primarily play games on their PC or console (segmented by ability and age) Note: Those who chose not to disclose whether they have a disability were not included in the “Ability” segment.
Game design for FriendshipWhat responsibility do game designers have to the millions of players who spend their free time on our games? Daniel Cook, Chief Creative Officer at Spry Fox, talks to us about intentionally designing games to create positive interpersonal relationships and communities for players.
Launch your gameThe moment when a player first comes across a game is one of the most critical junctures for the lifecycle of a game. How do players discover your game, and why do they decide to play? Learning the motivations and expectations behind these moments can unlock opportunities for future optimization.
Game discovery
PC & console players discover their next game through YouTube videos, or via ads on social media. Before deciding to play, they first check to see if it’s from a genre they know they love, and whether it has an interesting storyline.
How do PC & console players discover new or upcoming games?
How do PC & console players discover new or upcoming games?
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=14,356 global respondents 18+ that primarily play games on their PC or console
What influences PC & console players to try out new games?
What influences PC & console players to try out new games?
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=14,356 global respondents 18+ that primarily play games on their PC or console
More than half of global PC & console players reported having pre-ordered a game, mostly because they’re eager to play it as soon as possible and want to access exclusive in-game items.
How often do PC & console players pre-order an upcoming game?
How often do PC & console players pre-order an upcoming game?
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=12,972 global respondents 18+ that pre-order upcoming games at least rarely
Why do PC & console players pre-order an upcoming game?
Why do PC & console players pre-order an upcoming game?
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=12,972 global respondents 18+ that pre-order upcoming games at least rarely
Overall, PC & console players are happy with the translations in their game content. 75% say that the translations they see are of good — and sometimes excellent — quality. However, there are opportunities for improvement in APAC, Europe, Middle East, and South Africa.
How do PC & console players rate the quality of translations in their language in the games they play?
How do PC & console players rate the quality of translations in their language in the games they play?
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=14,356 global respondents 18+ that primarily play games on their PC or console
Grow your businessAs trends come and go, it’s important to keep an eye on emerging insights to stay engaging and relevant. Keep up-to-date on shifts in user behavior, including sentiments on monetization, to keep your business thriving.
PC & console spend
Overall spend for PC & console players is mainly directed toward in-game currency, unlocking new characters, or customizing characters along with other in-game items. Spending is driven by higher-level motivations such as faster progress, and access to new or higher quality content and experiences.
What PC & console in-game benefits have PC & console players spent money on over the past six months?
What PC & console in-game benefits have PC & console players spent money on over the past six months?
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=5,156 global respondents 18+ that have spent real money in a PC or console game within the past six months
How much money have PC & console players spent on each of the following types of purchases in (or for) PC & console games over the past six months?
How much money have PC & console players spent on each of the following types of purchases in (or for) PC & console games over the past six months?
All of the values in the below chart are listed in %.
$0.01 - $0.99
$1 - $9.99
$10 - $19.99
$20 - $49.99
$50 - $99.99
$100 - $249.99
$250 - $499.99
$500 OR MORE
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=14,356 global respondents 18+ that primarily play games on their PC or console
Why do PC & console players make purchases within games using real money?
Why do PC & console players make purchases within games using real money?
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=11,203 global respondents 18+ that have spent real money in a mobile, PC, or console game within the past six months
Game trends
When it comes to trends, PC & console players around the world are engaging with cross-platform gameplay and cloud games, and looking forward to how the Metaverse and VR could impact the future of games.
What game trends do PC & console players currently interact with?
What game trends do PC & console players currently interact with?
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=14,356 global respondents 18+ that primarily play games on their PC or console
What game trends do PC & console players want
to interact with in the future?What game trends do PC & console players want to interact with in the future?
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=14,356 global respondents 18+ that primarily play games on their PC or console
Retain your communityGood retention builds player loyalty and fosters a strong community. Accessing the right engagement insights can help your business prioritize features and updates to keep players coming back, and staying connected.
Retention & churn
PC & console players will continue to play a game if the gameplay is fun, or if they find themselves immersed in an engaging story. If the game stops being fun, or if they encounter too many bugs or glitches, players will set the game down.
What keeps PC & console players interested in
continuing to play a game?What keeps PC & console players interested in continuing to play a game?
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=14,356 global respondents 18+ that primarily play games on their PC or console
What causes PC & console players to quit playing a game?
What causes PC & console players to quit playing a game?
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=14,356 global respondents 18+ that primarily play games on their PC or console
Engagement & community
When interacting with social features, PC & console players often turn to in-game text chat or messaging, and share game progress to social media. Slightly over half of these players belong to game communities and typically connect with them through social media or YouTube.
What kinds of social features do PC & console players
use when playing games?What kinds of social features do PC & console players use when playing games?
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=14,356 global respondents 18+ that primarily play games on their PC or console
How do PC & console players interact with other
players outside of the game?How do PC & console players interact with other players outside of the game?
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=14,356 global respondents 18+ that primarily play games on their PC or console
Are PC & console players in groups or communities related to games?
Are PC & console players in groups or communities related to games?
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, global respondents 18+ that primarily play games on their PC or console (segmented by ability) Note: Those who chose not to disclose whether they have a disability were not included in the “Ability” segment.
Why aren’t PC & console players a part of any communities?
Why aren’t PC & console players a part of any communities?
Google/VGM, “PC & Console Insights Report”, January 2022, Online survey, Global, n=6,414 global respondents 18+ that are not part of any groups or communities related to games or are unsure if they are
Why fostering positive and inclusive game communities is vital to your game’s successPlaying games is a fundamental part of being human. Whether you engage in monthly game nights with friends and family, or you spend hours each week logged into complex multiplayer worlds, you share a key thing in common with your fellow players: a sense of community. That places a greater responsibility on developers, platforms, and other members of the games ecosystem to encourage and enable positive interactions.
Why fostering positive and inclusive game communities is vital to your game’s successPlaying games is a fundamental part of being human. Whether you engage in monthly game nights with friends and family, or you spend hours each week logged into complex multiplayer worlds, you share a key thing in common with your fellow players: a sense of community.
Games have always centered around connecting with other players. As we saw during the height of the pandemic lock down, it became an important way for distant friends and family to stay in touch.
But community is important for other reasons as well. Forming friendships in game communities can aid in social and cognitive development for younger players, while helping older players feel less lonely or isolated. For developers, building a healthy community around a game is one of the best ways to improve engagement and retention.
In our research, nearly 40% of players say that the opportunity to interact with family and friends is what keeps them playing. In-game, players communicate with each other using text (41%) or voice chat (32%). This in-game dialogue often leads to friendships and connections that extend to social media, in-person interactions, messaging apps, game forums, and much more.
More than half of the players we surveyed belong to some form of game-related community, and three quarters of them rate it as an important part of their game experience. But that places a greater responsibility on developers, platforms, and other members of the games ecosystem to encourage and enable positive interactions.
Creating positive communities in games
Managing a community around a game title brings its own set of challenges, with the primary one being how to prevent or mitigate toxic behavior. When some players verbally abuse, attack, or gang up on others, it can cause the targets of this abuse to stop playing entirely.
Toxicity is one of the leading causes for decreased player engagement and lower retention rates, which can continue to be felt weeks or months after an incident has occurred. A disappointing 81% of players report being harassed during multiplayer games. One out of seven players don't join new communities because they've had negative experiences in the past, and one out of five stop playing certain games altogether.
Developers and platforms need to be proactive in mitigating negative experiences for players. It's not an easy task; what may be considered acceptable behavior by one group of people may be toxic to another, depending on context, culture, or the relationships between the players. For example, a group of friends playing together may be less put off by “colorful” language than a party of relative strangers.
Using tools to ensure good experiences
Mitigating toxic behavior for your game can start with choosing the right types of players to test out your game prior to launch. Stadia's Channels feature allows you to give beta access to certain players, so you can see how people engage with each other in-game.
After launch, you can also allow players to self-select into certain communities, like "Chilling and chatting" or "Competitive speedrunning," that provide the kind of gameplay they're looking for. This Public Parties feature on Stadia helps provide players with the ability to customize their own experiences in-game and invite other players to share the types of gameplay they enjoy.
YouTube also offers moderation for live chats, which includes the ability to assign moderators, make chatting activity available only to subscribers or members, and initiate slow mode that limits how often a user can comment.
While these tools can help promote a positive player experience, using them alongside Google Cloud Clean Chat, a tool designed to leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning, is crucial to maintaining and scaling a comprehensive solution that can identify and block toxic behavior before it becomes problematic.
Helping players help themselves
The good news is that 95% of adults who engage in multiplayer games online report positive social experiences -- whether they're making new friends, helping others, or simply enjoying the experience of belonging to something larger than themselves.
Creating a positive, vibrant community is incredibly important to a game's success. It's all about knowing your audience, knowing the type of players you want to attract, and making sure you have the right systems in place to make sure they're all having a positive experience. It's a big responsibility, but the emotional connection people will develop with your game is more than worth the effort.
YouTube Live
With YouTube Live you can connect with new audiences, highlight an important moment, build a deeper connection with your fans, and much more.
Google Cloud Vertex AI
Improve the player experience by applying AI capabilities to areas like content moderation, chat translation, toxicity detection, and more.