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Game controls for Android games
Allow users to play touchscreen games on Chromebooks with keyboard controls
Keyboard support is critical for ChromeOS; approximately 90% of ChromeOS users interact with apps using a mouse and keyboard, but many apps from Google Play are only designed with touch interactions in mind.
It’s an especially important problem for games, which often require quick movements or button taps that are difficult or impossible to perform with a mouse.
By translating key presses into simulated touch events, the game controls feature allows players to use their keyboard to interact with on-screen buttons and virtual joysticks, resulting in a vastly improved experience for games with limited or missing keyboard support.
Shorten your game development cycle and create higher quality Android games
GameActivity is a component of the Android Game Development Kit, which is designed to assist Android games in processing app cycle commands, input events, and text input in the application's C/C++ code.
GameActivity offers a number of game-focused improvements over NativeActivity, such as Fragment, rendering to a SurfaceView, and other support for popular game development-related libraries.
GameActivity also uses double buffering in its input buffer, allowing games to better handle high input volume, resulting in a reduction of ANR errors.
Google Maps Platform
Build immersive real-world games with Google Maps Platform
Drive your players to real-world locations all over the world by designing rich and engaging games with Google Maps Platform.
From New York to Tokyo, you can build your game utilizing high-quality data — including information on over 100 million 3D buildings, roads, landmarks, and parks.
Building on Google Maps infrastructure and servers around the world means faster response times and the ability to scale on demand.
Playable Locations API
Place gameplay in the real world
Easily access real-world geographic points for your location-based games, bringing your players’ experience to life.
The Playable Locations API serves collections of curated and generated geographic points (playable locations). Each playable location is chosen based on its suitability for use in location-based games as spawn points for things like repair depots and game prizes.
Playable locations may be situated near points of interest, such as sidewalks, parks, playgrounds, town squares, and other publicly accessible areas.
Build augmented reality experiences that seamlessly blend the digital and physical worlds
Transform the way people play, shop, learn, create, and experience the world together—at Google scale.
Use different APIs to enable your phone to sense its environment, understand the world and interact with information. Some of the APIs are available across Android and iOS to enable shared AR experiences.
To integrate virtual content with the real world as seen through your phone’s camera, ARCore uses three key capabilities: motion tracking, environmental understanding, and light estimation. With these capabilities you can build entirely new AR experiences or enhance existing apps with AR features.
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